Monday, July 13, 2009

ITIL and Facilities Management

Its easy to agree that: Managing IT is not Managing Facilities.

ITIL the Information Technology Infrastructure Library did the good deed of conveying the message that, Facilities' seamless operation is important to manage efficient IT infrastructure (ITIL included Facilities Management as one of its criteria of discussion in ITIL V3.) to all IT folks that.

For in any organization the IT staffs or the System Administration team are the folks who can instantly realize the value of having a software in place with a zillion software available in the market to manage all aspects of IT like ServiceDesk, IT Operations, Application Management, etc,. Also they can help their counter parts in Facility Management teams to evaluate the right software and offer their suggestion.

Most of the SMBs will have the System folks handling the Facilties helpdesk too. Here the responsibility to very high to deploy a right software run their Facilities as efficiently as their IT operation.

With that thought i will leave you to contemplate the importance of having a CMMS in place.

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