Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FaciliesDesk ~ HotFix for 5.7 - Release Announcement

Dear Users,

We are glad to release the Hot Fix build no: 5701 for FacilitiesDesk.
Exisiting users (from Build numbers: 5700) can apply the HotFix 5701 from the following link:

New users can directly download the exe file of the product from the following link:

Please find the release highlights below:
  1. Reports enhancement. Refined Search functionality included in this build
  2. Yearly calendar functionality offered for Preventive Maintenance Feature
  3. Extended work request creation based on Preventive Maintenance task introduced
  4. All details available as list views in all the features can be exported as PDF, CSV, XML and Excel format and can be instantly e-mailed to desired recipients
  5. Room booking: Alert to supervisor when room is booked
  6. Left tree revamped in resources. Based on product category, product type and space-based filtering
  7. Left tree revamped in reports.
  8. Add image to products. Replicate those for individual resources in case of non-availability of particular resource images

Below are the issue fixed in the previous build 5700:

  1. Issue on importing using Active Directory in MSSQL fixed
  2. Room edit issue fixed under Space Management configuration
  3. Image attachment issue fixed in Resource Management configuration
  4. Save, save and add new issue fixed in Admin
  5. Issue fixed in Purchase Order approval
  6. Multi line issue in text area fixed
  7. Contract udf pick list issue fixed

Many more trivial issues were also fixed apart from these to improve the working of FacilitiesDesk. Hope you now have excellent usability experience.

As always all your feedback are welcome.

Happy Facility Management!

For support please Contact:

Call Our Toll Free
US : +1 888 720 9500
Intl: +1 925 924 9500

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