Thursday, July 23, 2009

Web Based CAFM - CMMS

Most of the traditional CAFM - CMMS Systems are desktop based. You need to install the software on every desktop for you to gain access to the system database. But things have changed for the better, the world is moving towards web. Today, you can find quite a lot of Web based CAFM - CMMS system wherein you only need to install the server on a central location and then connect the client using your web browser(internet explorer, firefox etc).

I have given below few advantages on why it is better to have a Web based system over traditional systems.

1. Can be accessed from anywhere. Provided, you need internet connection and login.
2. No software installation for clients. Only a web browser is needed (Internet Explorer, FireFox etc)
3. Manage facilities,assets or carry out maintenance activities for multiple locations
4. Web Based CAFM - CMMS systems can be installed in client internal server or it can be hosted by a service provider.
5. Technicians can cut down on travel and can work efficiently on field problems
6. No need for exhaustive printing of work orders

Want to have a first hand experience on web based system.
Try : FacilitiesDesk Online Demo

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